Selasa, 25 Agustus 2020

New SNMG120404 SNMG120408 MA external planing machine turning tool metal turning tool CNC lathe tools cutting tool SNMG 120408 4001019391449

SNMG120404 SNMG120408 MA external planing machine turning tool metal turning tool CNC lathe tools cutting tool SNMG 120408

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SNMG120404 SNMG120408 MA external planing machine turning tool metal turning tool CNC lathe tools cutting tool SNMG 120408

Product ID : 4001019391449
Price : US $8.00
* Price Update at : 2020-07-31 *

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Note: Angle 04 is for precision machining, Angle 08 is for rough machining.
VP15TF is a general-purpose material, UE6020 is steel processing, US735 is stainless steel processing.
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